TrafiSense AI

Model:TrafiSense AI

The difference at each intersection depends on a variety of factors. How many people cross the street? Is there heavy pedestrian and bicycle traffic? Is it along a major public transport line? How will usage fluctuate throughout the day? Diligent research and knowledge of the area are necessary to create an efficient and safe intersection. Beyond that, traffic managers must monitor changing conditions and make improvements as traffic flows evolve.

The way we monitor and address these traffic fluctuations has changed over the years. From basic signal timing to advanced vehicle detection, improvements in transportation technology are driving safer and more efficient intersections. As the performance of these sensors improves, so does our understanding of complex urban environments.

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Focused on reliably detecting and classifying road users, TrafiSense AI is an intelligent thermal imaging sensor for traffic monitoring in complex urban environments. TrafiSense AI uses AI algorithms with more than 25 years of traffic detection and best-in-class thermal imaging to provide cities with safer and more efficient vision and data collection. Advanced edge computing AI technology can track multiple objects at the same time under any lighting conditions, and effectively control intersections, help protect vulnerable road users, and provide traffic units with detailed traffic data for future urban planning to make better decision making.
Smart devices have paved the way for their advanced capabilities for vehicle detection and low false alarm rates (induction coils).
AI-powered traffic sensors provide new insights into intersections and their surroundings. The ability to monitor vehicle position, direction, and speed not only allows for effective instant control of intersections, but also collects robust vehicle and pedestrian movement data to improve predictive traffic systems.
In addition to recognizing the location and motion of vehicles, AI-equipped sensors use advanced classification algorithms to distinguish vehicle types. Distinguishing trucks from public transit buses or bicycles from vehicular traffic, smart transportation systems can automatically prioritize emergency vehicles, public transit, and vulnerable road users.
How vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles move at different times in an urban environment enables traffic managers to pinpoint dangerous areas and solve problems, breaking the bottleneck of induction coils and microwave products.

As transportation methods and the vehicles themselves continue to evolve, so must our infrastructure. AI will provide traffic managers with valuable data to help shape the future of our intersections and roads.